Community Action Teams
In partnership with the Ministry of Mental Health and Addiction’s Overdose Emergency Response Centre (OERC), the Community Action Initiative (CAI) is funding Community Action Teams (CATs) in communities hardest hit by the overdose crisis across the province.
Beginning in July 2018, grants were available for initiatives aligned with the OERC’s Comprehensive Package of Interventions (see OERC Terms of Reference). The purpose of the Community Action Team Grants is to help communities develop partnerships to provide focused, action-oriented strategies that will help to address the overdose crisis on a local level.
There are currently 35 Community Action Teams in operation.
A comprehensive response to the overdose crisis is required to address the ongoing Public Health Emergency in BC. Communities play a critical role in saving lives and connecting people to treatment and recovery. Community Action Teams play a crucial role in targeting local resources where they are needed most and in strengthening local partnerships.
For more information about the Provincial Governments overdose prevention and response in B.C. visit Overdose Prevention and Response in B.C.
The OERC’s Terms of Reference describes the Province’s objectives with regard to CATs:
• Create action plans within high priority communities/municipalities (evidence-informed);
• Develop a multi-sectoral response that is inclusive of all partners (First Nations communities, Municipalities, first responders, front-line community agencies, people and families with lived experience, businesses, local government agencies (e.g. housing, social development, education), and the local recovery community;
• Escalate barriers to effective response to provincial level as needed.
Community Action Team Synopses 20192020
A document intended to provide summary information based on reports prepared by Community Action Teams (CATs).