Salt Spring Island Community Services

Formed in:  1975
Communities served:  

Adults living on Salt Spring Island who experience multiple barriers to accessing other mental health and addictions services.

Funding Stream:

Community Counselling Fund

What This Grantee Is Doing for Community Counselling

Salt Spring Island Community Services (SSICS) provides individual short-term counselling where clients can name goals, discuss personal issues and develop plans to meet their self-identified needs. This program is grounded in a flexible approach to accommodate individuals that may face barriers that prevent them from accessing counselling.

The program aims towards helping people reach their full health potential and helping to ensure that they are not disadvantaged in attaining it because of race, ethnicity, religion, gender, age, social class, socioeconomic status, sexual orientation or other socially determined circumstance.


"The only other publicly funded, free counselling service for adults in the community has a waitlist estimated at 15 months, unless a client requires emergency services which are accessed on an inpatient basis at the local hospital. The ability to support clients through the Community Counselling program has a direct impact on individual clients and the community at large. The Community Counsellor continues to learn and grow with the unique developments of the program, and holds a position of gratitude and respect for the opportunity to offer therapeutic services to underserved and hard to reach individuals in a small community with limited resources."

Table of Contents