
Formed in:  1973
Communities served:  

Adults, couples and families living in Metro Vancouver who experience barriers, especially linguistic barriers, to accessing culturally relevant counselling.

Funding Stream:

COVID-19 Surge Fund

What This Grantee Is Doing for Community Counselling

S.U.C.C.E.S.S. offers counselling services to individuals, couples and families with a focus on issues related to loss and grief, trauma, abuse, self identity, adjustment, marital conflicts, parent and child relationships. Their team of registered clinical counsellors and social workers support clients virtually, by phone and in-person in English, Cantonese, Mandarin, Korean and Farsi.

As a multi-service agency located within Vancouver's Chinatown, S.U.C.C.E.S.S. recognizes that mental health is intersectional and connects clients with settlement services, employment programs, youth programs, seniors' care, English language training, health education, affordable housing programs, and other programs that promote independence, belonging, and wellness.


"Many clients are grateful for this funding where they can access counselling while anxiously living through the pandemic. Many do not have the means to access counselling before due to limited resources. The waitlist with the Korean speaking counselling service reflects the need in the community as many Korean families are not able to afford counselling services before. Seniors are also grateful for this funding as they also reflect the same concern due to the lack of financial resources. Within our organization, settlement programs, employment programs, youth programs and seniors’ programs had referred clients to this service. Co-workers are glad and relieved that free counselling services can be offered to clients who are in need."

Table of Contents