Adults in Mission and surrounding areas who are precariously housed and homeless.
Community Counselling Fund
What This Grantee Is Doing for Community Counselling
Fraser House Society offers substance use counselling and prevention services to adults, youth and families in Mission. Their reach extends via their Rural Connections Program to cover the area from Hatzic Prairie out to Harrison Mills.
The CAI Community Counselling Fund supports a need in the community for adult substance use outreach services. Fraser House's outreach counsellor has more flexibility and mobility than any of their in-house counsellors can provide, allowing Fraser House to offer services to people who may not contact Fraser House or who may have only been loosely connected with our programs in the past. The Outreach Counsellor has enabled Fraser House to reach more people, especially those who are precariously housed and face the highest barriers to counselling.
'Since COVID-19 the majority of Mission’s 12 step meetings have been cancelled or moved online, but some have started to be offered at a local park outside. Our outreach counsellor attended this outdoor meeting with a client who was not comfortable attending on her own and we discovered that she preferred this meeting to the one inside, and she shared that she would start attending on her own in the future. Being able to drive a client who is an opiate user and therefore at high risk, to a detox appointment, to OAT appointments and to the pharmacy for witnessed doses, has been meaningful and not something that would’ve happened easily without an outreach position at Fraser House. "